Sunday, June 14, 2009

Watching Hairspray !!
again !!
hahah !!

That shit is addictive!
Oh , and Kak Ain showed me a vid of the Eurovision contest winner for 2009

Ookay . Awesome right ? Since like , he's in love with a fairytale!
Well I'm assuming that a girl is a Fairytale . But seriously, a fairytale is not an object,it's not a matter,it's a name for a genre of a story. So how can he call a woman,a being of mass,and object which takes up space, a fairytale,which is a label ?

Hoho, I've been watching too much Criminal minds :D
Don't you just love pretending like your on the same case , and figuring out who's the murderer along the way ?

Shit son, I should be getting paid doing this . Hell , I'll join the cast.I'd be like, the new kid in town. yea. Yea.

Oh shit , 14 year olds can't wield fire arms, nor can they work in that type of field....


Whole future ruined :(

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