Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I make them good girls go bad


Haha! Before the National Day celebration at our school, Adilah and I accompanied Afiqah to her dental appointment! To suit the theme, she changed her braces to red! Haha! How fitting!
Eww. I really hate how the school barber cut my hair :(

Heh !

K, where do I start with this .
Thanks so much for being there for me, Kak Ain !!
Haha ! You've made me laugh countless times! - albeit, with lame jokes. :D -
I don't know why I don't see you around, even though we lepak almost everyday (heh aper nak jadi budak zaman sekarang! )
Shit, my friends are going to think that you're just like Sally. Imaginary INVISIBLE.
It's been a couple of years since I last saw you ! HAHA AND I'M ALMOST AS TALL AS YOU NOW. SO YOU BETTER WATCH OUT , YOU !!

Ohmygod youareso goingtohit mewithyour crutches.

Heeeeee! There, I blogged about you ! Okay, one loser down, a few more to go! - eh seriously, please don't hit me with your crutches -

I guess that's about it with losers who have no life but chat with me.
- buuuurn -

So, what are your friends like? :D

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